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Established in 1973, the Latino Caucus for Public Health recognizes the unique perspectives and public health challenges faced by Spanish-speaking individuals in the United States. The caucus serves as a platform to represent the health interests of the Latino community, both within and outside the American Public Health Association.


The caucus aims to play a pivotal role in research, policy development, and advocacy to address the health issues that impact Latinos throughout the Americas. By engaging in these efforts, the caucus seeks to influence social reform and promote equitable access to healthcare.

Additionally, the caucus provides leadership opportunities for students and young professionals to engage in research, policy, and advocacy efforts. By involving the next generation, the caucus ensures the continued advancement of public health initiatives aimed at improving the health outcomes of the Latino community.


In conclusion, the Latino Caucus for Public Health prioritizes representation, advocacy, and leadership to address the unique health challenges faced by Latinos. Through their work, they strive to make a meaningful impact on the health and well-being of Latino individuals and communities across the Americas.


For a recap of our 2022 Business Meeting, you can access the slide presentation here.

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© Latino Caucus for Public Health - APHA is a 501(c)(3) organization. All rights reserved.

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